15 Feb 2012
A significant percentage of violent crime and anti-social behaviour is alcohol-related. We face these problems because too many people are consuming too much alcohol. However we cannot enforce our way to a solution, it’s about how we prevent the abuse in the first place
ACPO lead on alcohol and licensing, Chief Constable Jon Stoddart said,
“We’re pleased to hear that the Government is committed to tackling the issues surrounding alcohol abuse in our communities and recognises the important role that the police service plays in dealing with those issues.
“A significant percentage of violent crime and anti-social behaviour is alcohol-related. We face these problems because too many people are consuming too much alcohol. However we cannot enforce our way to a solution, it’s about how we prevent the abuse in the first place.
“Having police officers in hospitals offers a reassuring presence and does work to stop criminal behaviour, but who pays for this is a question that has to be answered, especially in times of austerity.
“It is clear that we need more effective solutions. Research shows that as price has decreased, consumption has increased – the average person is drinking more than 11 litres of alcohol a year, more than twice the average consumption in the 1950s. The introduction of a minimum price per unit of alcohol would make alcohol less affordable thus reducing consumption and in turn the associated harm.”
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