09 May 2011
Steps by the government to reduce bureaucratic accountability and ensure that the police can get on with the job of keeping the public safe are welcome
ACPO lead on bureaucracy Chief Constable Chris Sims said:
"Steps by the government to reduce bureaucratic accountability and ensure that the police can get on with the job of keeping the public safe are welcome. Success in this area will be closely linked to a willingness to place trust in individual police officers to use their discretion and common sense on the job. Across the service ACPO is also leading in reviewing and reducing national guidance and advice.
“There will always be a requirement in policing to record some information in order to understand our service, work with local and national stakeholders and improve the way we work. It requires a balance to be struck in order get the right outcome, which is to improve the service we deliver to the public.”
For more information on the Home Secretary's speech on bureaucracy: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/media-centre/news/police-reform-one-year
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Association of Chief Police Officers
e: press.office@acpo.pnn.police.uk
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