13 Dec 2011
ACPO lead for vulnerable adult abuse comments on a report into economic crime and vulnerable adults, which has been written by City of London Police and commissioned and funded by ACPO, Home Office and the Department of Health.
ACPO lead on vulnerable adults, ACC Gary Cann, said:
“Often financial crime can go unnoticed and raising awareness about the threats and damage caused by such crime is vital.
“This report was commissioned to highlight the current and potential threats to vulnerable adults from economic crime. Partner agencies have provided invaluable advice and have helped to identify good practice as well as areas where we can improve our response to victims of financial crime.
“Through the development of new guidance to assist police officers in investigating this type of crime, as well as improved training in this area, it is hoped that we can learn from any gaps and missed opportunities identified in the past and rectify them for the future, helping to improve the service we are able to offer to victims.”
The report can be found here: http://www.cityoflondon.police.uk/CityPolice/Media/News/131211-vulnerableadultsreport.htm
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