09 Mar 2013
ACPO responds after coroner calls for "root and branch" reforms to licensing
ACPO lead on firearms and explosive licensing working group Chief Constable Andy Marsh said:
“Public safety is the key priority for the police when access to firearms is a consideration. Britain has some of the strictest gun licensing laws in the world, but they do require police officers to risk assess the suitability of a firearm or shotgun certificate holder. Training is available on firearms licensing and there are regular updates provided on issues of law, cases studies and court cases. The current Home Office guidance on firearms licensing is being re-drafted to produce clear and robust guidance.
“An important aspect of safe licensing is to proactively investigate an applicant or certificate holder for a firearm or shotgun when risks concerning them come to light, especially those that relate to domestic incidents. The police service is continually reviewing and developing firearms licensing to improve public safety and we will look carefully at the recommendations from the coroner and IPCC.”
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Association of Chief Police Officers
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